Enterprise CLIENTS
The Equinosis® mission is to assist and equip the equine practitioner by developing and providing wireless sensor solutions for collection of biological data useful in the diagnosis of equine disease. Equinosis® LLC was founded in 2007 in Columbia, Missouri with its first objective to make the Lameness Locator® available to equine veterinarians and to elevate the quality of care, health, and well-being of horses.
- Categories:
- Enterprise, Life Science
Website: https://equinosis.com
Noviqu is an engaging solution for manufacturer's safety, maintenance and training needs. By scanning the QR code at any machine, employees can get instant access to things like performing a safety observation, requesting maintenance, or on-the-spot training.
- Categories:
- Accelerator Portfolio, Enterprise
Website: http://www.noviqu.com
Paytient is an affordable, employee-friendly benefit to enable employers to increase high and higher deductible health plan adoption. Paytient enables employees to pay any medical, dental, vision or veterinary bill over time via interest-free, payroll-deducted payment plans. Paytient pays your practice in-full at the time of service and puts you in front of employees when they are looking for care. Reduce the number of patients avoiding or delaying treatment due to financial anxiety.
- Categories:
- Accelerator Portfolio, Consumer, Enterprise
Website: http://www.paytient.co
StaffedUp is a fully customizable, web/social integrated applicant tracking system built specifically for the high turnover employer. We help employers actively compete for great talent with ease, 24/7/365, and give them the tools to effectively qualify, evaluate, network with, & hire great talent in a fraction of the time.
- Categories:
- Accelerator Portfolio, Enterprise
Website: http://staffedup.com
StoryUp is an XR company, working with virtual reality, augmented reality, and related technologies. With their new product HEALium, they have created the world's first virtual and augmented reality channel controlled by your emotions. Healium has been shown in peer-reviewed journals to change brain patterns associated with the stress response.
- Categories:
- Accelerator Portfolio, Consumer, Enterprise
Website: http://storyup.com
Tiger Eye Engineering
With over 100 years of collective experience in pavement engineering, Tiger Eye Engineering uses cutting-edge machine learning based software for smart pavement monitoring.
- Categories:
- Consumer, Enterprise
Website: https://tigereye-eng.com/